TO $10,000+ PER MONTH?
Get more customers through your door with Google Ads
Your ideal clients are searching for you — ready to book. Get in front of them. Right this second.

What’s the difference between a business owner with a fully booked calendar and one stuck hustling for new clients all day, every day?
Quality traffic to their website every. single. day.
Now is the time to stop wondering and start being proactive about how people are finding you online.
If you’ve been telling yourself that you’re going to make online marketing a bigger priority, but before now, you were never really sure what to focus on…
When it comes to promoting a local business, Google Ads are hands down my absolute favourite! What makes them so POWERFUL is the way they’re able to target your ideal clients.
Instead of “pushing” your ad out in front of people who may or may not be interested in what you offer (like with Facebook and Instagram Ads)…
You’re targeting people who already want what you offer. They have an immediate need for help and are actively considering who to hire.
These people are SEARCHING for your service right now! And you can put your business directly within their search results.
This isn’t just some generic Google Ads course for anyone and everyone. Google Ads Academy was designed for beauty business owners who want more client bookings.
I’ve worked with hundreds of women in the beauty industry. Eyelash extensions? Microblading? Lip blushing? Facials? Skincare? You name it, I’ve run Google Ads for it. And over the years I’ve perfected a signature strategy that works.
I use this signature strategy with all my private clients and I’ll be teaching it to YOU inside Google Ads Academy.
To put it plainly, this course isn’t about teaching you to be a digital marketer. It’s about teaching you to book new beauty clients. That’s it!
You betcha! This is a step-by-step course with tons of tutorials. You’ll be able to watch over my shoulder as I walk you through how to set up your Google Search Ads.
You’ll have access to beginner Tech Tutorials covering things like how to set up your Google Analytics account and and conversion tracking.
This is going to get you 100% confident that it’s all done right.
Some experience with ads is always helpful, whether that’s just boosting a few posts on Instagram or playing around with Google Ads in the past. But even if you have no experience at all, you can definitely still sign up.
This is a beginner-level course and I’ll be walking you through everything you need to know in a simple, step-by-step approach.
This is a pre-recorded DIY course that you can watch and implement at your own pace. My goal is to keep this program affordable for everyone, which means hands-on support is not included.
If you’re looking for additional help with your ads, I offer a few different paid options for working together privately.
This totally depends on your revenue goal and how far you have to go to achieve it. To be blunt, the more money you wanna make? The more you’ll need to spend.
But as a baseline, I recommend budgeting around $15 to $20 per day for at least 2-3 months (remember, paid ads take time).
I know that might seem scary, but sometimes it takes money to make big things happen. And my goal is for this to be HUGE for you!
There’s no two ways about it — learning a new skill takes time AND practice. If you wanna get good at something, you’ve gotta put in the work. Google Ads are no exception.
With that said, you should be able to get through this course in no more than 2-3 hours and you can definitely get your ads set up in one weekend.
Whoops! This isn’t for you, then. You must have your own website (not just a booking page like GlossGenius or Vagaro) to fully implement what you’ll learn in this course.
Come back when you’ve got your own domain set up on Squarespace, Wix or WordPress.
Absolutely! I want Google Ads Academy to be a course you actually love and learn a lot from. If for any reason the course isn’t what you thought it’d be (perhaps you already know everything I’m teaching or my video style isn’t your cup of tea) let me know within 7 days of your purchase and I’ll refund you in full.
Please note that I cannot guarantee a specific result from your ads.
© 2025 Define Marketing by Deirdre Andrews