How I Tripled My Client’s Facebook Ad Results

In my last post, I talked about how Facebook Likes mean nothing if you don’t know what to do with them. In this post, I’m here to give you solid numbers.

To recap, I took on the digital account of a client who had historically been preoccupied with winning the Facebook popularity contest. Their primary goal was to gain more Page Likes than their main competitor and as such, all previous Facebook campaigns were optimized for Page Likes.

Their ad creative (images and text) was centred around the company’s weekly sales and special deals, encouraging the user to Like the business page for more details. However, nothing was being done with these new followers once they’d been acquired!!

Triple Your Conversions by Optimizing for the Right End Goal

I decided to restructure the campaign by changing up the end goal (desired result) and the ad targeting.

The ad creative continued to focus on my client’s weekly promotions but the campaign was targeted toward the company’s existing Page Followers who had already been primed for these offers. Since this audience already followed the page, the Call to Action encouraged the user to click through to the client’s website to see more deals.

Here’s what happened! Note: Budget and Creative remained EXACTLY the same. The only difference here was the targeting and the end goal.

567% Increase in Reach

Reach refers to the number of people who saw any of your Page posts including paid and non-paid. Increasing your reach is an excellent opportunity to grow awareness of your brand.

After all, awareness is the first stage of the conversion funnel!

218% Increase in Post Engagements

Post Engagements refers to the number of times people have engaged with your posts through likes, comments, clicks, shares and more. A higher engagement rate is a good indication that users are actually interested in what you’re sharing.

176% Increase in Page Previews

This refers to the number of times people hovered over your Page name or profile picture to see a preview of your Page content. Again, this indicates that the user saw something that interested them. Perhaps they weren’t ready to click-through yet, but their curiosity was piqued enough to want to see more.

210% Increase in Ad Results!

In this case, we’ve changed the type of “result” we’re aiming for.

As you know, the campaign was previously built to achieve Page Likes. But this time around, the campaign was restructured to achieve Landing Page Views.

Not only did we see a huge jump in ad results, we saw a huge jump in site website traffic! This is important, as it nudges users a little further down the conversion funnel. It also gives us the opportunity to remarket to these users at a later date.

70% Decrease in Cost per Result

Not did we than triple our campaign results, but we did it for 70% LESS money. Who doesn’t want more for less??

TL;DR seriously take the time to think about your end goal before building a campaign, because optimizing for the RIGHT goal can make all the difference!

Are you advertising for Page Likes? How are you engaging your followers? I wanna know!


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    © 2025 Define Marketing by Deirdre Andrews

    It has never been easier to grow a creative local business like yours to 6-figures and beyond.

    Let me show you how to get there with paid ads.